Macro Beer

Pandemonium, capital of Hells – Camden Town Brewery sells out

While it’s understandable that people were disappointed with yesterday’s announcement that AB InBev have acquired Camden Town Brewery, the craft beer zealots were out in force on Twitter, putting the HELL into Hells. Following the announcement, Camden’s owner Jasper Cuppaidge held a Q and A, with the award for idiot of the day going to @BenMarlowBooth who

Pandemonium, capital of Hells – Camden Town Brewery sells out

While it’s understandable that people were disappointed with yesterday’s announcement that AB InBev have acquired Camden Town Brewery, the craft beer zealots were out in force on Twitter, putting the HELL into Hells. Following the announcement, Camden’s owner Jasper Cuppaidge held a Q and A, with the award for idiot of the day going to @BenMarlowBooth who

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