Has SIBA taken ownership of “craft beer”?

With Tuesday’s news that the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) is to offer its members the accreditation of ‘British craft brewer’ – ostensibly in an attempt to reclaim the ‘C’ word from ‘big beer’ – has it has committed the same act of linguistic appropriation the macros stand accused of? While it’s welcome that someone, anyone, has

Social media-free bottle share (April edition)

The second social media-free bottle share – raising money for charity – will take place on Wednesday 25 April at Affinity Brew Co. in Bermondsey. This follows on from the January event held at Caps and Taps which raised £100 for Camden Foodbank. This time we’re raising funds for Bloody Good

Livin’ la vida local series – The Great Northern Railway Tavern

The third in a series of collaborative posts with my friend, neighbour and Good Beer Hunting writer Matthew Curtis, documenting every public house in the N8 postcode area. The Great Northern Railway Tavern (GNRT) is a Grade II listed building that opened in 1865 before being rebuilt in 1897. I first visited five years

Livin’ la vida local series – The Toll Gate (a J.D. Wetherspoon pub)

The second in a series of collaborative posts with my friend, neighbour and Good Beer Hunting writer Matthew Curtis, documenting every public house in the N8 postcode area. The Toll Gate is an unremarkable Wetherspoons when held in comparison to grand venues such as The Coronet on Holloway Road or The Counting

Livin’ la vida local series – The Wellington

The first in a series of collaborative posts with my friend, neighbour and Good Beer Hunting writer Matthew Curtis, documenting every public house in the N8 postcode area. The beer bubble doesn’t just exist online – we reinforce it in our actions. The beer we buy, the venues we frequent,

Recognise and prioritise your social lives

The ongoing buffoonery, hostility and zealotry on beer Twitter has been grinding me down of late. In response I decided to organise a social media-free bottle share which took place at the venerable Caps and Taps last Wednesday, The premise was simple: guests were asked to bring a bottle or two for

Bros just wanna have fun

If you want to understand the concept of privilege, simply observe the reaction to the latest instalment of the Cloudwater/J Wakefield labelling clusterfuck. The breweries were rightly held to account by beer drinkers on Twitter, but this didn’t go down well with less politically engaged members of the beer community. I’m

Livin’ la vida local

Boak & Bailey asked ‘what is a local?’ in October and it’s a question I’ve pondered for some time. Ironically, for me it needn’t be that local; it’s a pub you frequent. I tend to favour pubs serving *what I regard to be* good beer, but this wasn’t always the

It’s only beer

Except that it’s not. It’s people’s livelihood and/or passionate pastime, and there are so many bounders, demagogues and scandalmongers (see ‘Libertarians’) on ‘beer Twitter’ that it’s no surprise passions can become inflamed.  To an extent, online exchanges that become as corrosive as a downpour in downtown Pripyat can be explained

Good beer

Good as in virtuous that is; morally right, ethical. I’ve always admired The Five Points Brewing Co. for its aspiration to be part of its local community, as well as for its status as a living wage employer. Many other breweries pay the living wage of course, and there’s even

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