Social media-free bottle share (April edition)

The second social media-free bottle share – raising money for charity – will take place on Wednesday 25 April at Affinity Brew Co. in Bermondsey. This follows on from the January event held at Caps and Taps which raised £100 for Camden Foodbank. This time we’re raising funds for Bloody Good Period, and with capacity limited to 25, here’s what to do if you want to come along:

• Make a donation via the Bloody Good Period Just Giving page (minimum £5 but you’re welcome to donate more if you want/can), including your name and the  #SM3BS in the comments

• Tweet a screenshot to @SM3BS and your attendance will be confirmed

• Arrive at Affinity from 6pm, grab a beer, leave your phone in your pocket/bag and have a nice time

As well as giving up their taproom, the guys from Affinity have very generously offered a beer (style etc. TBC) on arrival. Regarding the bottle share aspect, there is a freezer where you can leave your bottle to chill (if required), and a serving/help yourself area. When you’re ready to open simply do so and pass to your friends (750 bottles only go so far, right?).

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