Social (drinking) anxiety disorder

It’s taken two months for me to write this post. Every time I opened the edit page I immediately lost enthusiasm and closed it again. This is because I was, and am, ambivalent about the relative pros and cons of disclosing my feelings on the matter, and also because I’ve

Burning bridges and reaching for the sky

When I heard the news that Burning Sky was to remove its beers from all Brewdog bars I was happy, as it suggested the highly regarded Sussex-based brewery was on a sound economic footing and brimming with confidence. When I read the full story on Total Ales however, I was

Rough tang swally

I freely admit to not having the best palate in the world, possibly the result of growing up in the west of Scotland in a household over-reliant on frozen foods. I do know when my beer isn’t right however, and I’ve had more than my fair share of what I refer

Supermarket’s cheap

The ‘craft beer’ in the supermarket hullabaloo continues to divide opinion, and while it’s not so neatly divided as (independent) retailers versus customers, it’s approaching it. I was broadly positive about Tesco’s move into ‘craft beer’ when I wrote this back in November, but my position has changed somewhat. I

I remember when this was all fields

I took a stroll along the River Lee to Springfield Park and ultimately The Axe in Stoke Newington last month. I’d been to see Pressure Drop’s new site, which is located in the same industrial park as Beavertown, and is further testimony to Tottenham’s status as a beer destination. As

Let them drink (crappy) stout

Last week, I was in a well-known London ‘craft beer’ pub when the bore tending bar declared that they have ‘crappy stout’ Camden Ink on ‘for the peasants’. He was talking to two young beer enthusiasts who were sat at the bar hanging on his every word, having already regaled

Pair London 2017

This June, Tottenham’s Affinity Brew Co. will host the capital’s newest beer and food festival, Pair London. The event will take place at new music and events space Five Miles London (also home to Affinity’s brewery in a shipping container), and will see five breweries partnered with five purveyors of scrumptious scran. Joining

The renaissance of the Great Northern Railway Tavern

I’ve been aware of the Great Northern Railway Tavern (GNRT) in Hornsey for five years or so, introduced to it by my wife Gemma who is a (relatively) longtime resident of the area. As we entered on that first visit its beauty was obvious, albeit the grandeur faded from years

Why do we drink beer where we drink beer?

As beer enthusiasts, we are often reminded of our obligation to support the public house. I adore pubs, and love to spend hour upon hour in them socialising with friends, and when I drink at home I experience a very, very mild pang of guilt. I’d estimate that at least  half

The Beavertown Extravaganza, Leeds and festival FOMO

The Beavertown Extravaganza takes place on 8th and 9th September this year, with 60 highly regarded breweries from all over the world pouring beer at Printworks in London’s Canada Water. In both ambition and scale, it surely represents the next stage in the evolution of beer festivals in this country*, but not

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